Wednesday 5 May 2010

Do You Feel Better Yet?

In my last post It was abundantly obvious that my commitment to this blog had been slacking, as a result I promised to post more and try and keep a more up to date record of the shocking events that tie together to create my life, this in its very essence is me keeping that promise. Its been a odd week, I'm currently on a health kick, trying to lose a few pounds and tone up my alcohol batted body, I'm really committed this time round and with the help of scenic bike rides across Bournemouth sea front with Fuzz and my new found love for chicken salad I'm starting to see small results, so fingers crossed I can keep it up.


I cant say Ive done much this week of any real relevance, needless to say Ive think Ive discovered a lot about myself, tonight especially. I find I put myself into situations for the sake of it, I convince myself for a small amount of time that I am totally dependant on something or someone to function, when in actual fact, I'm happier and way more separated from drama when I'm on my own. Ive let certain people convince me that I'm that bad guy in those old black and white movies twisting his moustache menacingly while the metaphorical train that is my apparent persona comes hurtling towards the trapped damsel in distress while I just sit back and laugh. The truth of is, most of the time its the "damsel" herself that's the underlining issue, sometimes realising that you've been stuck in a low budget black and white movie for the last year and a half is the pinnacle point that ushers you not to feel guilty for no reason anymore. Needless to say after a brief freak out tonight, I'm looking forward to seeing my life in colour from now on.

I don't really have much more to say for now, going to keep it short and sweet. Heading into the studio all weekend with the guys to write and rehearse, a nice bit of musical male bonding should be delightful way to start the month of May I think. Watch this space.

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