Saturday 25 July 2009

You Might Aswell Jump

Its the first weekend since I got back home from the bands latest stint of summer dates, Ive got the usual tour blues festering. With the absence of long nights,cramped drives and awesome shows now becoming apparent I'm definitely missing it all. On the other hand I'm also controlling a feeling of excitement and anticipation for the unknown, the return home although an end to the good times any band get from playing shows every night, it was also the beginning of my focus on writing the bands new material for the latest record.

Bringing my focus back to tour, I think it was an important few days for us, it was the start of the new Amy Can Flyy in our eyes. We had been in some sort of member limbo for a large amount of time, touring and playing shows with our friend Tom from Canada Water filling in on bass duties, but this tour was our first set of shows as a complete band again, and I think the relief that we were a four piece again really helped us enjoy every moment of the tour even though it was originally planned to be a much larger adventure.


The first date of tour saw us close to home just an hour away in Southampton. I was stoked for it, we had always had a good response from people in Southampton and this was our first gig there for the best part of the year, so I had high hopes. Me and Mark were running the show for the night and with the absence of one support band and the absence of another ones drummer, we were feeling a little disheartened about the whole evening, the rain didn't exactly add to the festivities either. After a lineup fiddle things worked out alright, My Toy Box went down well and before long it was our run of things. With a monitor mix that seemed a world apart from the one i had in sound check, In parts I felt a little lost on the small stage of Hampton's, I think we were all feeling it if I'm totally honest, we were pretty sloppy but the guys watching made up for it. We've been striving to write new material for a while now, and letting go of the older songs is something that wont hit us personally too hard, however hearing kids sing the songs back to us, will never tire for me. The night rounded off with a stage invasion and a large amount of sweaty high fives to all involved. Safe to say the people watching made that show for us.


The day which followed was a long one, hungover,tired, rainy with the only thing keeping us happy before the show in Ipswich that night was kicking it slow mo too Papa Roach in the back of the van. Turns out that we were yet to see the worst of our grievances, we had spent probably a total of five hours on the road due to the wondrous fast lane of traffic that is the M25 only to find out on arrival that the show had been cancelled due to venue owners ill health. After a little bit of a drive, and my first taste of a caramel milkshake at McDonald's we decided our best bet was to hit up a house party with the ever hospitable Tom (Henry Homesweet) For me this consisted of Wine down a beer bong and chatting up the lovely older woman who delivered our Kebab with Matt Toy Box. All in all the night was succesful. Ive decided im going to continue the rest of this tale in the next blog.

Look Forward too: That Guy, Van Halen, Pant Pong,The Hat of Shame, Insane Daves Hot Sauce and More Traffic.